Apartamento 2bed 1bath $1,650 en Orange

443 S Lemon St, Orange, CA 92866

Unidad superior en un tríplex. Garaje privado y lavandería en el lugar. A pie de la plaza y la universidad. Se paga agua, basura y jardinero. $ 1,750 por mes Consulte 443 S. Lemon St.



  1. is this website a scam? all properties are not available?

  2. I'm interested and will like to asked if there is more parking to rent. We have 2 cars

  3. Can I schedule a time to come & see this, please?

  4. Hi. I was wandering if this is still available? I'd love to hear more about it & to see it, if possible.

  5. Hi is this property still available?


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